Is it selfish to break up with someone who has a kid?

I'm 19, I met this dude. We been talking for a few months. Until he told me that he had a kid which kind of shocked me because on his social media I don't be seeing it he had kids and when I go over his house he didn't had any baby stuff. He was saying that he was Trying to find the right time to tell me. I was texting my friend her about the situation. I was thinking about breaking up with him. I don't have a problem with babies I love babies. But I can't date someone who has kids. Especially for an early age. I'm trying to live my life and have fun before setting down. Having a baby gets in the way. You have to stop at what you are doing and care for your child. Anyway I told my friend about it and she said that I was being selfish. So, I just wanted to ask is it selfish or wrong to break up with someone who has a kid?
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Is it selfish to break up with someone who has a kid?
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