How do you get over a rough breakup?

I broke up with my boyfriend. This is the one I’ve had problems with for a while and I decided to get back with him a month ago. This time, we broke up again. The other day, we were trying light BDSM, and he tied my hands up so tight. He brought his taser in the room. He was gliding it over my skin and I was extremely nervous. He also would turn it on when it was extremely close to my body. He ended up touching me with the taser while it was on for just a second. It hurt. That moment really scared me; I was about to cry in the moment. In that moment, I was saying our “safe word” over and over again but he wouldn’t stop it. I feel like with our relationship, things are either amazing or bad. There is no in between and that is what breaks my heart. He can be such a great guy but these negative aspects in the relationship are big and I can’t just ignore them anymore. Should I stay focused on this breakup? Help? I’m not sure if I’m strong enough to stick to this break up because I’ve given in before. Is this even worth following through on?
How do you get over a rough breakup?
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