Help, getting over your ex?

I’m moving near my ex for work.
I still do love him and apart of me feels like responsible. Due to distance and me trying to hurt him due to my own frustrations it ended.

He met someone a week later. Told me he really likes her. A couple of weeks after they were official and from what I know have been going strong for 3 months. We’ve been texting a lot recently since I’m moving there soon.

He is concerned i’m going to be devastated and is trying to inform me prior to going or trying to be “transparent”. He said he’s is very serious about her and he is probably going to propose.

Id be lying if I said me moving over there wasn’t selfish and that I was hoping seeing me would stir up old feelings and he’d give us a shot seeing as I’ve done my best to work and better myself.

I have to move for work. Is this just him saying that because he’s in the honeymoon phase? I’m pretty sure if he was single again he would try to rework things with me.
everyone’s saying to move on. And I’m trying, I understand but I’ve tried and I still want him because I think I loved him, and it took us ending for me to realize what I had I took for granted.
Help, getting over your ex?
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