Should I have hope during this break?

My boyfriend and I have been together for 1year&5months. Our relationship has always been pretty stable, we don’t constantly argue, we know how to be playful w/ each other, we both enjoy watching each other play video games and we make each other laugh pretty often. We’ve always spent our weekends together, he’s never had an issue w/ me spending time w/ him and I’ve always enjoyed being w/ him despite knowing that his depression/anxiety causes him to go through a lot of mood swings and those make him give off different energies. Sometimes it’ll come in the form of aloofness, indifference or that he just seems irritated about something.
For the first 12 months of the relationship I was really good at not allowing his moods to interfere w/ my moods but when I reflect on the last 5 months I def. don’t feel like I’ve been as patient or as emotionally self regulated as I use to be towards him.

On Monday he texted me about how he was sent home from work cuz he was feeling sick.
(Screenshots are@the bottom, sorry if they’re too small☹️)

I don’t want to be with anybody else, so I feel the need to wait for him cuz I understand he needs his space during this time but at the same time I do feel like his responses are very contradictory to each other. Like when he says “you make me happy I don’t wanna break up” and “I also wouldn’t wanna take a break” but then saying “I don’t want you waiting for me in case things fall apart” ? Like what? Is that just his anxiety not being sure if he’ll really be able to get help for himself?
Part of me feels like he only said he wants a break because of being too scared to break up since he wants the option to easier have me again if he gets better.
Then my brother pointed out how he’s leaving when the going gets tough which obviously could mean that if we were to reunite that somewhere along the line I feel like I should expect another heartache like this from him. Idk😔I’m expecting the worst but really really hoping for the best😣
Should I have hope during this break?
Should I have hope during this break?
Should I have hope during this break?
Should I have hope during this break?
Should I have hope during this break?
Should I have hope during this break?
Should I have hope during this break?
Should I have hope during this break?
Should I have hope during this break?
Should I have hope during this break?
1 y
*****Woops, the screenshots looked small in the preview of the post but nvm ya’ll can see em just fine lol
Should I have hope during this break?
12 Opinion