After nearly 2 weeks of taking a "break", boyfriend is still undecided on what to do - advice?


Almost 2 weeks ago, he requested to take a short break so we could think without having each other around. I agreed and asked for how long. He said just a couple days. He told me he wouldn't be messing with other girls during this time because that wasn't what this was about.

He reached out to me after a week and just had a casual "just to talk" conversation. He didn't mention anything about us really. He just wanted to know how I had been and what had been going on. He just told me that his life had been busy/hectic, so he had not had time to think about anything pertaining to us/the break. I was a little irritated by that because surely, you should know after a week. But I was understanding and left it go.

I've maintained my loyalty completely. I have not acted single, have not been looking at or talking to other guys, etc. I truly took my space to THINK. And I personally have come to a decision. I feel it's best for us to stay together and use this break as a learning experience and a way to become stronger as a couple. I don't think a break up is right or necessary.

I know he has a say too obviously, and not knowing where he stands really bothers me. Especially after this long. Anytime I've broken up with someone, I've done it quickly and straight forward. I have not lagged. I have not told them we could take a break and see. I've just straight told them it was done and to get their stuff/leave. Most of my stuff is still at his place and he's made no mention of it or wanting me to get it. I hope he has been loyal too and not acting single. That was not what we agreed upon.

I'm still hoping he will agree to end the break and continue the relationship, but I'm really scared he is going to choose a break up (which would be weird in my opinion).

I really don't know what to do now. I gave him space. I've been patient. But I need an answer. don't deserve to just be kept in the dark "on hold".

1 mo
He ended the conversation by telling me if I needed anything to reach out. I told him he could reach out anytime as well. He didn't act mad or anything when we talked, and I was expecting an answer then. So, I was a bit disappointed when I didn't get one. He should definitely know what he wants by now. I don't want things to end because our relationship is good and strong. Other people even picked up on how much we love and care for one another. I was surprised when he mentioned a break
1 mo
I would have thought if he wanted to break up, he'd have told me to get my stuff by now. We stayed together, so naturally everything I own pretty much is over there. He has never mentioned my belongings or wanting them gone. I chose to be the one to leave during the break. He had offered to be the one to go, but I opted to. I just don't get this at all. I just really miss him a lot and miss "us". We were building such a good life - expecting a baby and everything.
After nearly 2 weeks of taking a "break", boyfriend is still undecided on what to do - advice?
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