Feeling TERRIBLE. I love him but I don’t want a relationship with him?

I’ve been dating this guy for one year and he was my everything. My world revolved around him. I would wake up everyday feeling like the luckiest girl in the world because he was mine. I would obsessively stare at our pictures before I went to sleep. He was my bestfriend not only my partner. We text everyday 24/7 and tell each other everything. Seeing him was the highlight of my week. Sexual chemistry was powerful and sparks were so strong. A year into the relationship minor problems would appear between us, but none major enough for me to lose feelings. He was sometimes too dependent on me when it came to his job, or date plans, or getting in to clubs since I had the PR. He gamed a lot and was an introvert whereas I was a social extrovert. I had to lose many friends and sacrifice many fun plans to be with him. He had no friends, and even though he loves me, I would always question his feelings because he was a naturally cold person. He often ignored me on dates and his phone annoyed me a lot (football, bitcoin, games) even though we saw each other once a week. My parents disapproved because of our religions, so the relationship was a secret. He lived far away so we saw each other once a week. I was blind to these issues because I loved him. When summer started and he had to fast during Ramadan, I started to go out again by myself. It was then that I realized I was having fun without him. My old life was back. I would party, see old friends, go to the best places, check out other hot men. I felt terribly guilty when the realization kicked in (especially when I began to find other older men attractive). I never felt like this before, what was happening to me. I was happy with him. He was all that mattered. He was all I saw. So after a mental break down and depression I broke up with him. It broke me. He still talks to me everyday because he loves me, and I don’t want to imagine my life without him. But I don’t want to get back together. How does this make sense?
1 y
I feel terrible for leading him on. He still loves me and still has hope we will get back together. I am still sexually attracted to him, I still enjoy talking to him, yet I am enjoying my current freedom and don’t see myself in a relationship anytime soon. That is unfair to him. I feel terrible yet I don’t want to let him go.
Feeling TERRIBLE. I love him but I don’t want a relationship with him?
3 Opinion