Why did my ex boyfriend message my mother?

Me and my ex boyfriend of 4 years broke up 2 weeks ago and we had no contact ever since
It was a heated argument and we broke up
We lived together so we see each other everyday
Both of us never cheated on each other

Today, he sent my mother a long message saying:
- I cheated on him and lied to him
- I talk crap about him to everyone
- I fight with him everyday so I never loved him
- he doesn't want my mum to tell me about this message
- and he doesn't care about me
- he doesn't want anything to do with me

Why is he badmouthing me to my mother?
Why is he even messaging her in the first place?
He still cares/hurt and wants your reaction
He still cares/hurt but doesn't want your reaction
He doesn't care
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Why did my ex boyfriend message my mother?
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