Should I stop talking to my ex?


I was with him for 2 months and broke up with him back in October. We still kept talking after and going out about few weeks later after break up but he kept pressuring to kiss me and have sex. He also is weird about not wanting me at his apartment because his "roommate" and that he has a car but his roommate always uses it so I end up having to drop him off at his grandmas when we go out. Lately I been sick and also been depressed about my dads health and I haven't been talking much but he literally doesn't text back so when I dont respond back because of me sleeping he gets upset and starts texting blaming me that I dont communicate. I feel he is using me and tired of him always making excuses or catch his lies. When I was with him back in summer he also gave me chlamydia and it sucks because now if I were to have sex with someone I get anxiety to the max. Should I give him another chance or just move on block him? I also had given him a 2nd chance after breakup saying he needs to improve or im gone. Just tired of him blaming me because I think is it really me being mean?

Should I stop talking to my ex?
5 Opinion