What the meaning of my ex girlfriend text?


what the meaning of my ex girlfriend text? me and my ex use to be with each other and I use help her out with money for her kids. we broke up over money. when I want give her money now she said how the money I gave her hurt her somehow. I don't know how? I get she dose not want me to be around her anymore. that ok well it suck kinda but it ok cause no more drama.

But how dose me give her money hurt her? she use get mad when I did not help her out. Now that I want to she still get mad. dose she buy bad thing with the money? dose someone hit or hurt her if she have money? I do not understand her or women that well.

I think she have a new boyfriend and he give her money. if not she fine away to get someone to give her money. I want worry if she is ok and if someone is hurting her or if she have what she need and is safe. But I guss I should not.

what the difference between his money and my money? we could both get her money then she have a lot of it like she wanted. what do you think about this? Dose give money to someone hurt them and if so how? why dose his money not hurt her? if all the same right?

Have anyone give you money and dose have it hurt you? how giveing something you nee hurt you?

What the meaning of my ex girlfriend text?
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