Our relationship wasn’t perfect we both had our own problems but he told me he has a lot of unnecessary stress. We spent so much time together and just the other day I stayed the night and we talked yet he gave me reassurance so I thought things were good. He kissed me and kept saying he loved me randomly holding me. Then now he said he wants more time to think and it hurt me because I tried. Why would he technically dump me but still say “we can still talk in person soon I just need more time to think” what does that mean if he is dumping me it feels like?
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Well one detail sticks out as missing here and so we lack some context, What do you mean he needs time to think? Think about what as there is no context on a decision here.
Remember that some guys have to retreat to process their emotions, others sometimes need time to make a choice about how to drive forward your relationship. I hope you didn't make a snap response and let him explain (I know its been a month). Men find deeper love in the absence of their partner (creates longing), while women find love in closeness (security), but both sides find a deeper love when they can provide stability and space for each other lovingly.
He wants to feel free to pursue someone else but would also enjoy continuing to fuck you for awhile. That's blunt, but without knowing more facts, I think that's the most likely explanation.