I think my boyfriend broke up with me to get back with his ex?

A few weeks ago my boyfriend dumped me. At first he just broke up with me and told me he just wasn't feeling the relationship. The second he blamed me for the break up accusing me of being a terrible person to him in the relationship. It's been weeks and i did a little snooping on his instagram account. While i was typing his name another account had the same name like his just with a 1 added on to it. I clicked on it and it was his ex? (for example lets say his name is @butterscotch and hers is like butterscotch1). I feel very angry because he blamed me for the break up when this could be the reason we broke up and i've been sitting here thinking im the bad person. could this be it?

I think my boyfriend broke up with me to get back with his ex?
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