I don’t want to talk to him at all anymore?

I’m 22 and I been sleeping with this guy for about the past 3-4 months I believe. I recently moved out of my parent’s home and that’s been a huge life change for me. Lately, I have been feeling annoyed by my friends with benefits or situationship or however u want to define the relationship. One main reason why I want to get rid of him is so I can focus on myself. I have depression and anxiety, I got to therapy for it and I feel that I’m not in the right headspace to be dealing with anyone at all right now. It’s not that he did anything wrong but I just don’t care to continue sleeping with him for the time being. I also am just annoyed by him overall. I don’t understand why everytime we are intimate, he wants to spend the night with me. At first I didn’t mind but I don’t want him staying the night at my apartment. After we are done, I want him to just leave.

I also get annoyed when he texts me as well. I never really felt this way before but I just really hate when he reaches out. Last week we didn’t talk because he did something to upset me and I forgave him for what he did but I still don’t want to talk to him… I don’t want more from him.. I just don’t want to be involved anymore…I feel bad for the way I feel, and I thought maybe this feeling will go away, not sure if my depression can make me feel this way too, because I do care for this person but I don’t care enough to have him stay in my life if that makes sense? I just want to go ghost on a lot of people including this guy. I feel that I should ghost him because if I explain myself, he’ll manipulate me into continuing and I really don’t want to do this anymore and I don’t know how to handle it without him asking me questions like “what did I do?” “Why?” I just don’t feel like doing it.
I don’t want to talk to him at all anymore?
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