I've been on and off with this guy for 3 years and last night I had to accept rhat he is simply never going to change. I love him so much, so much It hurts. We had gotten back together again for the idek what time 4th or 5th time in March and I genuinely thought he was changing. We were so good and I wanted to believe that he believed we were so so good too. Looking back there were some signs that he was still a liar but I looked aside because he was trying he actually tried and it made my heart warm up. But in mid may I began to really see that leopards don't change their spots he started going days without calling me texting me or seeing me and eventually I found out he started seeing someone else again. It broke my heart. But I still stayed I still believed he would realize the error of his ways but nope. We went all of June without talking just out of nowhere. I'm genuinely so tired but I still have hope that he can change am I dumb. I know a lot of you are gonna just assume I'm dumb for staying with him for so long but please I really just need support. We go to the same college and I'm going to have to save face once again when we I inevitably see him in a month when we open I don't know how I'm going to do that. I still love him but he's a stupid man whore, manipulative a user and a cheater nobody likes him. I know he has the capacity for change I've genuinely seen it in him but he just switches and it's suddenly as if he's a completely different person. I'm gonna love him forever I think but I have to do that from a distance because he destroys me I just feel so crappy I wish I never met him
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You can love a man to death but it’s so important to love yourself more, because loving yourself means refusing to accept anymore disappointments, lies, and heartbreak. You already know for a fact he will not change for you, so instead on hoping for change, start processing the reality. I don't know if you have support around you, but I’d you do then please lean onto those people, because they’re the ones who actually love you. Find some ways to vent, like journaling, workouts, yoga, hobbies; my favorite thing to do when I’m hurting is level up and show that man what he’s missing and what he’ll never get again.
Thank you. I do have some support but im not really comfortable talking to my friends about it because none of them understand and just get annoyed with me. I'll start Journaling and just work on bettering myself.
Thank you so much
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