Are you the kind of person who sets things down randomly when you are done using them, or do you put things back where they belong?


I'll use an example of kitchen knives but it could be any tool or implement.

My wife will use a knife and then set it down on the counter or in the left side of the kitchen sink. Whatever she used the knife for gets dried on and has to be scrubbed off.

Even if she wipes the knife off, she sets it down wet on the counter right in front of the knife block. It would take two seconds to dry the blade and put the knife where it belongs.

It drives me nuts. I've told her how inconvenient it is to have to look for something. I've explained that letting a knife air dry dulls the blade. I've mentioned these and similar things many times over the years. She acts like she understands but continues doing it.

When I complain, she gets defensive, says she was in a hurry, and brings up things about me to complain about.

I'm positive that she doesn't do that stuff to fuck with me. I honestly don't think she can help herself. When she is doing something, her mind is already on the next thing. When she says "I was busy" she really means it even if it makes no sense. I mean how much more time would it take to put a knife in the knife block instead of setting it on the counter right in front of the knife block?

And when I see a knife with food dried on it, I think how much easier it is in the long run to wipe the fresh food off of it under the faucet (it takes two seconds) instead of having to scrub hardened stuff off of it later.

When I do things, I always think about making my life easier later. But she can't wrap her mind around that concept. She makes more work later for both of us.

We have argued about this so often that I gave up. It's not worth arguing. I will admit that she has improved a little bit.

So what do you think? Do you think the job isn't finished until you put your tools away or am I being OCD? Do you relate to my wife?

(This is a light hearted question, not an angry rant. There are bigger things to get upset about.)

Are you the kind of person who sets things down randomly when you are done using them, or do you put things back where they belong?
11 Opinion