I feel like a monster for wanting to end it. But I have many reasons why I am ending the friendship. I'll list them out here and you can please tell me if I am being too immature and rash. If I should give him a chance.
First of all he is doing everything in his power to stay friends now and that's what destroys me and it makes it more painful to end things. He's begging me to not go.
So why I want to leave, he admitted that he likes me but I told him I don't feel the same way. A series of huge problems occured right after. With him saying we are fine and will go back to normal even though I don't want a relationship.
However we didn't go back to normal. I'll keep it short but he has treated me verbally very awful and mean taking anger out on me and acting weird ever since the confession.
Mind games on top of very hurtful mind games. Straight immaturity and emotions from someone who is acting like a child. He wouldn't talk it out and ignore me while taking it out on me. I feel like I've reached my limit and I don't want anything to do with him anymore.
I feel very resentful, angry and hurt and there are things he said and has done that I cannot overlook. Yeah maybe now he's trying to be a better person but I really don't see how I can go back to normal and overlook the very hurtful things he's done and said. We fight nonstop.
Is there a point in telling him the things we last talked about leaves a better taste in my mouth? I just want to move on and end our friendship. He keeps begging me to stay and it hurts more to leave someone who's begging you because he did mean something to me before all of this happened. But I'm not happy anymore.
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