Ex-girlfriend is curious about who I’m doing things with, still texts me and wants to hang out, but she’s dating someone new. What’s going on here?


My ex-gf and I have been best friends for over 20 years and have dates off and on in that time. About 11 months ago we started a long distance relationship for about three months and then I moved home and we moved in together. We lived together for about 6 months (9 month total for the whole relationship) and she broke up with me due to my drinking. I really didn’t drink all that much, but she’s had problems with previous men in her past relationships being alcoholics and I believe my drinking triggered her to break up with me. When I moved out after the breakup I let her know that I’ve been going to AA and haven’t drank for a week at that time. It’s now been two months since I drank and couldn’t be happier with the decision to do so. I went no contact to give her some time to herself at that point. About a month later we ran into each other and ended up hanging out all night. We laughed together, she was touchy with me (not groping), curious about my sobriety and what I’ve been up to. She also admitted to stalking my Facebook since we weren’t friends. I saw her again the next day and told her that in addition to getting sober that I’m also going back to college at which point she jumped into my arms with excitement. So far so good. She let me know later that night, sadly, that she’s been dating someone. Since then she’s offered to help me study, she asked me to golfing (I did and we had fun), still texts me and is curious about who I’m out with. She can see that I’m more positive and have made some huge improvements. But, I also found out that she monkey branched into this new long distance dating thing that she’s in. Any thoughts? Is she just trying to be friends? Is she questioning the breakup? Is she testing the waters? Thanks! Hope everyone out there is doing well.

Ex-girlfriend is curious about who I’m doing things with, still texts me and wants to hang out, but she’s dating someone new. What’s going on here?
5 Opinion