My boyfriend called me a wh*re and a c*nt in an argument, was I right to leave him?

My boyfriend (23) & I (23) had been together for almost 3 years at this point. We had the best relationship within the first year & never fought. I was sure this man was going to be my soulmate & the love of my life just from how well we connected. Arguments started to increase as soon as the pandemic was no longer prevalent, & I noticed that he seemed to always get mad at me in social situations or any time he came around my friend group. I have a lot of girl & guy friends who are like my family & I love to meet new people. If I riff with someone, we riff & I see it as platonic but my boyfriend saw it as flirting. Anyway, we started having terrible fights where I would end up crying, he would get mad, but again, it had never gotten to the point where he disrespected or degraded me by calling me bad names.

This last argument we got into was bad & happened to be in public, which was even more embarrassing. I can't even remember what sparked the fight, that's how dumb it was. The fight got so bad that it led to him yelling "you're such a f*cking c*nt, you f*cking wh*re. Short backstory: I've never cheated, had been super faithful to him, I shared my location at all times, my body count was 5 people before I met him (not like that would even remotely matter), etc..

My dad was in my ear about how I should forgive him and that people say bad things when they are drunk & regret it. So, my boyfriend ended up groveling for weeks on end & I basically told him we needed to take a break, which lasted about a little over a month. We got back together & broke up 4 months later because I just didn't feel happy with him anymore. Something felt off ever since that moment he called me those things. & the sad thing is, I'm writing this post because I miss him more than ever & want us to be back together. But we've been no contact for almost 4 months now because I know I shouldn't reach out, especially since I was brave enough to walk away. I'm not sure. Did I do the right thing?

My boyfriend called me a wh*re and a c*nt in an argument, was I right to leave him?
Post Opinion