Yes give it all back... When she is not there!
Nope starting all fresh again
Maybe 🤔
She is giving me back the ring 💍!
He can have his stuff I don't want it!
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Well it depends on how pissed she is at the end stage that's when you see the real person emerge, I mean well she have a bon fire with all your stuff, or have you spending a lot of money to replace the 4 tires she just sliced and diced, with be 5 if she had access to spare, wait my car don't have a spare, took me 6 months to realize I got no spare tire no jack, just a damn air pump, like that's going to do any good if I'm stuck in middle of now where and anywhere with a big hole in my tire that the damn pump just can't seem to keep filled with air, cheapskates auto makers, so I called them and asked what do you charge for a spare tire they good me and I deducted that exact amount from my next payment, they didn't see the humor and I said I don't either sit the no spare tire bit not funny so were even ha ha, that's real lol no damn spare tire and charge you so much for the car we are going backwards as a society, lol but where was I oh yeah, sometimes it's not worth getting your stuff, knew a guy who complained about wanting his stuff everyday he called her talking crap, and that's just what he got crap all mixed in his clothes and stuff, I had to laugh, said damn dude that's a shitty thing she did, lol so I keep it civil till after I'm free and clear and keep it that way, i mean imaging the things you tell each other when your on good terms, things best left unrepeated so just be careful about wanting your stuff returned, if anyone reads this to this point forgive me for the length of this reply pleezzzeee!
Forgiven I like long comments
The stuff that's sentimental would be nice to get back. The girl I almost married took everything I owned shortly after she ran off to Indiana to meet some guy. I could care less about things like televisions and DVDs, but when she took things like my nick-nacks that friends had given me over the years for my birthday, yeah, upsetting!
Now she has five children... her mother takes care of two of them, her ex-husband takes care of two, and then the one girl lives with her because she favors girls, but when it comes to boys, she doesn't want them. I stopped trying to understand her a long time ago!
but yeah, anything sentimental, if I ever got married and then divorced, it would be nice to have back.
Yes I want my shit back. I bought it.
Back when I broke up with my boyfriend (my ex now), I asked for my things back. He didn’t return them for weeks and ghosted me, so I had my mom message him, and he still didn’t give me back my shit. When he finally did, I was missing some fits, my favorite bra, and he didn’t pickup his clothes. I asked him about both things, and never heard from him again.
So now I’m stuck with male clothes, and don’t have my new tarot card dress.
Of course I want my shit back, but I guess he didn’t.
If we break up, I need my stuff from your house and you need to come and collect yours. Or we leave them in front of each others porches. Only once have I left my stuff at an ex’s and that’s because I didn’t feel safe to return and those things were probably tainted anyways
Leave the stuff on the lawn for the sprinklers
When we got divorced, it was amicable. We split things pretty fairly. She got some of her stuff, I got some of my stuff, and we just got rid of a lot of stuff that we had together.
So, the answer your question... MAYBE... depends on the stuff and how important each item is to you and your partner.
Yes to personal belongings. If she was given a ring, she keeps it- no other woman would want it.
Your stuff is a historic record of who you are. If the relationship was SO bad that he wants to erase his past…so be it.
not me. If I’m breaking up and want my stuff back it’s because she chose to be less valuable to me than my trinkets.
huge indicator!
case by case basis. Some partners should never marry in the first place.
How does she choose to be less valuable then your stuff?
By breaking up?
I hope I don't ever have to address this, but if it was mine before the relationship or purchased for me during the relationship, I expect to have it.
Very sensible and I know there are a few other things your probably taking!
Yeah I would like all my possessions. She can have all of her stuff. If I got her a gift, that's hers. If she got me a gift, that's mine. If we're talking about a car that I paid for or pay for, then that's mine and vice-versa. My assets that I paid for with my own money should be mine and hers should be hers. I don't get why that's such a hard concept to understand. Why do women think they're entitled to anything the man paid for when they're not with him.
And don't get me wrong... if you're a stay at home wife, then you should be able to get money from the ex husband until you're able to take care of yourself and find a job or other accomodations. But you should also show that during that time, you're actively looking for something and not just leeching off the guy.
My personal stuff yeppers.
During my 1st and hopefully only divorce I got back the stuff I brought into the marriage, including my dignity, she got back the stuff she brought into the marriage, I gave her a choice between the car or the truck, the car was paid for, but I didn't tell her that she could sell the truck, pay it off and buy a brand new car free and clear.
She wasn't all that smart, that's probably why I caught her in bed with the landlord, the rest of the stuff we split up based on who could use what the most.
She did get the landlord, but go figure, it didn't last, nor did his marriage.
Me I went on and had a really good life.
It didn't pay to fight over little shit, in the long run I just bought new stuff.
When I left my ex-wife I walked out with what I could manage in one carload. I lost tons of stuff including heirloom furniture. The thing is you cannot break up and not expect to lose things. Be it friendships, traditions, and time, it’s a process of giving up another person and many of the things you built and shared together. To me, I’d just walk away and start fresh.
When we separated for a year I left everything behind except my clothes and switch lol
But we are back together but if we fully divorced I would just take my manga and other little things I own with me.. he can keep everything else because I am from a different country anyways lol
Never been married but my last relationship where we lived together, yes I got my stuff back. My bed, furniture, kitchen utensils etc, and I paid him out for the ps4 that we went halves on. He didn’t try to stop me from getting my stuff back since he wasn’t a jackass 😆 but if I ever had a relationship where an ex fought me over getting stuff back, then I’d probably just let them have it all and I’d start fresh. Unless any of the stuff was truly valuable, like family heirlooms.
I took my stuff and the gifts he got me but I didn’t take the stuff I got him
Was it a living together situation?
Yeah we were married
Sorry here is a hug 🤗 hoping you can meet someone who is perfect just for you soon!
Yes of course. Especially my clothes. I don’t think most people have that kind of money to just say fuck everything I’ll go buy everything brand new. Now if it was things she bought me and she made a big deal about it she can keep it. For instance I have some sports jerseys that my girl got me. If we ever broke up and she made a big deal about it I wouldn’t fight it. But stuff as far as what I need, clothes mainly, yes I’d want them.
It would depend on what it is…. and it is a significant difference between breakup and divorce.
A breakup, if it was a gift, keep it. I would want everything else back (unless it is insignificant to me).
A divorce, split the major monetary items up in half (unless you brought it with you to the relationship) and move on. I would likely take less as I would prefer a fresh start.
I think I would want the stuff back that was mine prior to the relationship. She can keep the small things and we can divide the big things - but, I can imagine some people would be very petty to the point of making their ex's life challenging to say the least.
This is interesting because I got a lot of clothing since I started dating my girlfriend. I don't think I would get rid of them. They're useful. I don't understand why my girlfriend got rid of the baseball stitching bracelet and nice watch that her ex gave fo her. It wasn't a bad breakup.
I could care less about clothes and furniture bed sheets etc i can replace that crap, but my truck my tools my guns and the dog possibly the cat are coming with me
And well discuss what the kids want to do
Wait a second im not leaving this relationship you are so you get your things and get out of my house
It’s a common debate. Gifts are meant to be…given. And in longterm relationships we grow attached to the other persons things, so if you don’t want to be an asshole…. As my friend Charles R. Williamson Jr. says, "There are only two things you can't replace that's time and people. Cherish them both. Everything else you can probably fine in a catalog or website."
Personal belongings yes. The rings were a gift. You should have considered the cost/benefit balance when you bought them. A bigger diamond does not make you more engaged and more gold does not make you more married.
When I was divorced " stuff " was not an issue , I was not worried about stuff , there were too many other things to deal with , that were far more important.
Yes I would want my stuff back there mine want my stuff back and my fucking life back and a done both after the prick I was with
after? i guess but if heading toward breakup i gathered my stuff already. i would ssk for engagement ring back etc.
She could keep anything I had given her like gifts and rings. But I want all my personal stuff.
I've never had these...
but I think I would not care for any materialistic stuff... I could go without, lol
For most things no, but rings are a bit different. They’re not an ordinary gift or present, they’re more like a contract. Failing to perform gives rise to an argument for unjust enrichment.
No, I don’t like materialistic stuff… just some of my clothes. And left everything.
They can keep what they missed on. If I walk, I walk and don’t wanna look behind & not bother.
I think it might depend on what the stuff is.
My stuff absolutely, the stuff I'd have given to her is hers.
I don’t want the ring 💍 or anything
When did it end?
Big 🤗
Nah they can keep most of it. Just so it can remind them of me 😼😼😼
She can have what I gave before ending the relationship
You can't get your stuff back when the judge says all of your shit is now her shit.
I am not married yet, so i don't need to think about it 😊
It depends. I may want some things back and not care about other.
Take it all back, preferably when the other person is NOT there. Get the HELL out of Dodge!
I take back only ring, as it is sign of love, I surrender all other to her
I never took anything back from any of my exes
Why wouldn't I want my stuff?
They can keep some things.
Just burn it
No… …
No, that's immature.