Why does my ex keep doing this to me after so long?

We were never officially in a relationship but we dated on and off when we were teenagers to mid 20s.

We always kept in touch until he moved away and met someone else.

Everything was fine for a while and I tried to move on but he would keep texting me every so often.

We kept in touch but then he started to lie to me about having a girlfriend. So I stopped responding to him because I wanted to try and move on with my life and get over him.

A year went by and he messaged me on Facebook telling me he missed me and when I replied asking how he was doing - he blocked me.

Another year goes by and I woke up to 5 missed calls, snapchats and texts from him saying he missed me, how amazing I look and when I opened the snapchat messages he was asking me to send him nudes and saying he wants to fuck me, wants to move back home and be with me etc.

He told me he was drunk and I asked him why he keeps messaging/blocking me, told him he’s confusing me and makes me think he still cares about me. Then he blocked me on everything again. I was really embarrassed and wish I never replied.

A few months later he got engaged to the girlfriend he was lying to me about and now they are married. (we share a lot of mutual friends so that’s how I know)

He tried to add me back on Facebook a few days ago and then blocked me again. I don’t understand why he keeps doing this to me. He’s nearly 33 years old!

I just turned 30 and I struggle so much to move on as he keeps me thinking there’s still a small chance and it’s killing me.

Why does my ex keep doing this to me after so long?
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