I thought I moved on from ldr, should I answer her?


This is the final chapter of moving on. I deleted and blocked her on every social media besides wechat. I forgot I had that.🤦‍♂️ I only unfriend her but now i was about to delete my account but then I saw her invite with message that says " it's me ( her real name) I want to ask you a question.

What did she do? She wanted be friends but act like we was more. Then other times I'm not her priority. Our conversation are one sided, we bond on her terms, lastly she act too quickly before thinking so she fucks up a lot. Example: on Christmas she got mad at me for not attending her live dance show. I warned her a week ago I'd be partying with friends and family. Next day she going post how this guy who wished her merry Christmas and how she received virtual gifts from him, and say fir being there fir her and etc. She later admits that I hurt her and she was trying to piss me off. Only known her for 3 months. This just 1/7 things that made me move on.

How I feel about one last short conversation? Though my heart is racing, got this uneasy feeling like a knot in my stomach ( same feeling you get when you find out someone is cheating on you: note not saying she did that) but I'm also ready to move on.

My idea: hear her question. Answer it. No back and forth. Just answer it then delete my wechat account.

What would you all do in my shoes if your trying to move on but is kind if curious? Move on without texting her and dekete the wechat account or just hear her out fir that day and then delete the wechat?

I thought I moved on from ldr, should I answer her?
3 Opinion