Sleeping with a taken girl..

So, here's the sitch. I met this girl at uni, she's Norwegian,and she's in one of my classes, and we really got one straight away, really hit it off. We've been pretty close friends for maybe a month now, we chat about everything. We're both pretty experienced and open sexually, so we often talk about that. Anyway...

She came round to mine, I cooked for her, watched a movie, then we went down to the union. Had a couple of drinks, nothing major, then went back to hers. Just to chat, nothing more. We had a couple of drinks of really, I mean REALLY bad gin, but neither of us was drunk. Then, suddenly, we were making out. Literally no idea how this happened, we were talking normally then suddenly I'm on top of her. Things went pretty far, both of us had an amazing time. Just one problem: She's got a boyfriend. He's in Norway, but they've been together a canny few years. Now, I have a few big issues:

1) I really don't want to be a d*** about this. I'm not the purest and most clean cut of guys, but I've got a few rules. One of those is no sleeping with someone's girlfriend. BUT, I REALLY REALLY REALLY don't want to stop with her.

2) She now feels a bit guilty, but we still seem to be really attracted to one another. She has slept with a couple of guys around Uni, but now she's been pushing away, trying to make sure nothing happens with us. It kinda hurts that I'm where she finally draws the line, not with any of the others.

this has the potential to be very awkward. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Sleeping with a taken girl..
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