My boyfriend dumped me twice but the second time was completely unexpected.

My ex and I have a complicated relationship. We knew each other throughout high school, but didn't actually get together until we graduated. At first it started as just a summer thing, because we were going to different schools and he'd be gone for that summer taking classes somewhere else. We were dating, but not exclusively and he had some baggage with an ex girlfriend and made out with her while I out of the country. Even though we weren't official, I was still really hurt and the situation ignited a lot of trust issues for me into the relationship later on. He sincerely apologized and since we didn't actually make it official, I kept seeing him. Finally, we made it official even though he was in another state and when he came back, we still kept seeing each other although we were at different schools but still in the same state, just about 1 1/2 hrs away. After about 3 months, he dumped me because of the distance and he felt like he couldn't deal with not seeing me all the time (we only saw each other on weekends) cause his eyes might stray. A few weeks later, he met up with me and said he missed me and made a mistake. I didn't take him back until a few more weeks passed, so I could determine if he was sincere or not--he was. Since then, we had been together for 1 1/2 years and everything was going great. Sure, we had our rough patches especially since my trust issues kept coming back, but he was always faithful to me. For the last few months, I had some doubts of the relationship and wasn't sure if I really wanted to be together for the long run. Since we'd been together throughout our college careers, we never had the chance to explore other people and opportunities. In the end though, I still really loved him and wanted to work it out. By the time we got out of school for the summer, things had been amazing--I felt really connected to him and we'd spent every day together. Then, all of the sudden, yesterday he initiated the break up. He was crying, because he didn't want to do it but felt like he had to because he had the same doubts as I did and it wasn't fair to either of us if there were doubts about our love. Since it was so out of the blue, I am so hurt and all I want to do is call him and convince him to stay with me. We were having such a good time, but he felt like if he didn't initiate the break right then, he would never do it. We've agreed to give each other a month's time to be apart and call when that month passes, but I don't even want to be apart from him for that long. I want to work things out, even though in the end I know the break is good for us. I'm terrified that he'll find someone else during this time, and I've been crying since last night,--I know he's hurting too. I'm just so confused about him leaving so suddenly, even though I can understand the reason behind it. I can't blame him either, because he brought up the topic that I never could. Please help, what do I do?
My boyfriend dumped me twice but the second time was completely unexpected.
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