Girls, Let's Get Serious About Online Dating

Girls, Let's Get Serious About Online Dating

I have some suggestions for those who want to make the most out of online dating. Some of this may also apply to guys, and some of this is just me ranting about some pet peeves I have.

1. Profile Pictures

A) With or Without

Honestly, this is the first thing guys will notice. It can help to have one, but it's your choice if you don't want to include any pictures. I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but that's what most people will look at first . Will it get people's attention and make them want to see more?

B) Accuracy/Honesty

If you do include a picture, then make sure it reflects what you look like. The only thing worse than not having a picture is having a picture of someone else. Don't hide behind someone else's image. Too much photoshopping is also a no no.

C) Thumbnail/Main Picture

Don't make it a picture of you and your friend - how are we supposed to know which one is you? Unless it's some kind of two-for-one deal...just saying, you could be giving guys the wrong impression. Also, girls why would you put up a picture of you with another guy? I've seen this a couple of times and I don't understand it.

Another pet peeve of mine is when a picture has a group (3 or more) of people. Perhaps you like to share the spotlight but online dating isn't the place for that. Also, be considerate of your friends - they may not like having their image on an online dating website, especially if they're already in a relationship.

D) Missing Parts

Sometimes you'll see pictures just of the body, without the head in the picture. Girls, if you're so much against objectification then don't do this. Sure, guys will probably look at your boobs first but then they'll look up at your face and if irl you don't have a head then they'll run away no matter how good-looking your boobs are.

Sometimes you might also see pictures of just a certain body part (ex: ass, boobs, shoulder). Great, guys love that stuff but we dates girls not body parts. You'll get our attention by doing that but you won't get us to stay.

2. Description

A) Short/Non-existent

"I don't like talking about myself."

Oh really? Would you prefer to talk all about a complete stranger?

"Just ask."

Really? We haven't even met or interacted and you're being so demanding already. No thanks.

"I don't know what to say."

Girls, Let's Get Serious About Online Dating

"If you wanna know anything just shoot me a message."

Never hears back.

"Try to be somewhat creative with your message."

Her description is short to non-existent...give us something to work with girls. Oh, guys, I have an idea. If you come across a profile like this then make up a story about who the person is and send that in. At the end, ask them how accurate you were. If they get pissed, serves them right.

B) Intentions

Make your intentions known. If you're on an online dating website then most people will assume that you're looking for a relationship.

"No one night stands, no hook-ups, no FWBs, etc., etc."

I see this so often. If guys have any sense then they'll pursue girls who say that they're up for that stuff on their profiles. Otherwise, we'll just assume that you're looking for a relationship. So saying this kind of stuff on your profile is a waste of space and may give off a poor impression such as:

~you're too uptight/guarded


~you're so in demand that you probably don't have any time to consider me

C) Generic Description

*yawn* *moves on* *scrolls down*

Your description doesn't have to be an essay but try to be a bit more detailed. If you're passionate about something then let that show. Instead of saying you like something say why you like something. What interests you about this? If you're afraid of boring people then that's good; you're screening out people you may not hit it off with. Also, your passion will resonate with the right people and make online dating more successful for you.


It's rare to come across long descriptions but for those of you who do this then, like I said, your description doesn't have to be an essay. Save some information for later; guys like a bit of mystery. Leave some things to the imagination. You can't get to know someone if you already know them.

Last Words

Girls, if you're not detailed with your online dating profiles then you're casting the net wide and you'll bring in any ole crap. There may be someone good in there but you would be too busy weeding through the crap to find and recognize him.

It also helps to be honest and upfront. If that turns guys away then you're better off than if you had went through several dates before he realizes you're not right for him. It will save you some heartache.

If you don't do these things then you're wasting guys' time and you're wasting you're own time.

Girls, Let's Get Serious About Online Dating
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