On my relationship with a rapper

I've been in a committed relationship with a small scale rapper for almost a year now and wanted to write about what it's been like.

I feel like these points apply to almost every relationship.

On my relationship with a rapper

#1 Get ready for a whole other vibe

This relationship really changed my outlook in life. I went from the rather sheltered life I knew to being exposed to my boyfriend and his friends, work and world, which truly enriched me.

I'm from a very sheltered background and getting to know my boyfriend and his friends helped me see beyond my own nose.

I love the way he embraces life like no other guy I've met.

#2 Support his work and watch your relationship thrive

While I don't like the music my boyfriend makes, I still support him wherever I can. It's helped our relationship a lot.

On my relationship with a rapper

#3 Love joining him on trips

My boyfriend recently went on a business trip to another continent and I was lucky enough to be able to accompany him. Where do I even start... It was beyond amazing. We had a great time, he recorded some songs, felt inspired, and I've probably never seen anyone this genuinely happy.

Getting out of our little routine during the pandemic felt great, especially because all costs were covered by his label.

#4 Take an active interest in his unique hobbies

My boyfriend loved jewelry and knows a lot about diamonds, gem stones and different metals. We enjoy talking about jewelry and try to look at jewelry both online and in person as often as the situation arises to do just that!

On my relationship with a rapper

#5 Be a muse, an inspiration

This one should be rather straightforward, but it's been beautiful to see how he's taken the impact I've had on him and reflected it in his work.

Also, trust me, the sex will be amazing when your man feels supported by you.

On my relationship with a rapper
On my relationship with a rapper
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