When did you realize that the person you were dating was acting too creepy?

I just want to vent about something, and want to hear your similar stories.
I was dating a guy, 14 years older, who I thought was a good guy until I realized that every time I opened my Facebook app, he would start texting me. I eventually realized that this wasn’t a coincidence. He was literally sitting there all day monitoring my page to see when I was active. He said that he had trust issues from being cheated on in the past, so he felt the need to make sure his girlfriend wasn’t acting suspicious on Facebook with other guys. He also had erectile dysfunction which he refused to get treated, and this also contributed to his anxiety about being cheated on.
I empathized with his anxieties until I found out about his Facebook stalking. It made me feel violated, gross and turned off.
Have you had a relationship ruined because the other person was acting creepy? What was the last straw?
When did you realize that the person you were dating was acting too creepy?
1 Opinion