Is this a don't on the first date?

I went on a date with a guy who seems nice. He was a gentleman via opening doors etc. Walked me back to my car as we held arms.

The only thing that stood out to me was that he asked me if I wanted to come back to his place after the date. I said no, not yet. He told me he was just putting it out there. He said if I wanted to go on another date to let him know.

He's not my typical type in that he is on the shorter and skinny side. I'm much heavier than him... I am working on my weight.

My question is... is he just seeking sex since he asked me over so soon?

Is he really interested in me? He said let him know if I wanted a second date. But it seems like I would have to initiate planning a time. Maybe he's trying to be considerate b/c he knows I work a lot?

What are your thoughts?

Is this a don't on the first date?
5 Opinion