Do women try to date “out of their league” guys more than vice versa?

My own standards are to date someone who is on par with me more or less. I’m not perfect. Not a saint. I’ve been told I’m attractive but I know I’m no young Brad Pitt. However I am independent, got a good job, in good health, have a very interesting past and some fun hobbies.

There was only one time in my life I found a woman who was truly on par with me. It tragically didn’t work out because she met me at a bad time in my life. There was also one time I swung for the fences in college and went after a girl who was “out of my league.” She actually approached me first but I had zero game back then and screwed it all up.

But anyway virtually all the women I’ve met who were really into me in last few years weren’t exactly on par. However most of them were confident I would like them. I tried dating a girl who I saw potential in but she had very serious emotional issues (family abuse) that I wasn’t equipped to handle.

Anyway confidence is great. But why is it that women seem to daydream unrealistically about they are entitled to in dating vs. men?
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Do women try to date “out of their league” guys more than vice versa?
4 Opinion