After how many days of no contact should I tell him it's over?

I've been hanging out with this guy for a few weeks. Wanna know something funny? I'm a former model, this younger guy has seen my commercials (I've been on 2 commercials) and he was desperate to get to hang out with me, I rejected him because of his age at first, but he was persistent and for some reason I gave him a chance, and we built a connection pretty quickly. He was literally putting me on a pedestal, saying ''you're every young guy's dream, I can't believe you're giving me this chance to talk to you.''
Everything was feeling genuine.
Not sure if this guy is playing games or not, but every time we text (and we can text for 3-4 hours straight) he disappears, and he won't even apologize, and I've had enough of this. I want to send him a text, like ''this whole thing is over, it's a shame because we seemed to have a good connection, but I won't let you disrespect me''

It's been 3 days since he disappeared again, it's the third time, should I wait a week to send this text and let him know I'm done with him, or is it okay to send it now?
After how many days of no contact should I tell him it's over?
3 Opinion