I was her very first man but it was only for a couple months. Will she remember me?

(F20/M25) I met her at a bonfire and shortly after I took her virginity. I was her first guy ever. We didn’t date but she drove 2 hrs to see me every weekend for a couple months. We would go out on dates and do freaky stuff like skinny dipping, public sex, and I’d eat her booty. It didn’t work out because we were 2 hrs apart while she was in college, so it’s was doomed from the beginning for multiple obvious reasons.

She ended up meeting some guy with rich parents at her school, and then ghosted me and threw him in my face on her Snapchat stories. He and his friend group took her to Time Square on New Years Eve and then Puerto Rico just a few months later.

She’ll never come back to me after that, and I’d never take her back, but do you think she still thinks about me? Will she always remember me?
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I was her very first man but it was only for a couple months. Will she remember me?
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