Would you rather be a very attractive person who deals with stalkers/aggressive people or be unattractive and gets rejection / no attention?

I’ve been A and somewhat B. There was a time in my 20s I got a lot of attention. Lots of women told me I was cute and handsome back then. I could approach any woman and literally say anything and get away with it. I was never aggressive dbag but i could flat out make sexual jokes/remarks back then and at worst a girl would laugh out of amusement (even if she wasn’t interested).

The only time I ever really got turned down back the is if the girl was already taken. But even taken girls would often chat with me and sometimes give out there number (but they wouldn’t respond to texts/calls). I would only find out later they had bfs.

However I did have a few bad experiences. I had two girls actively stalking me in college. I’ve had random drunk women grope me in clubs/bars. I’ve had one woman get angry and trying to shove me when I turned her down. I’ve had other guys try to throw me under the bus out of jealousy. But those incidents were few and far between.

Now I’ve gotten older I’m not the baby faced 24 year old I once was. I am still in excellent physical shape but I‘m not going to go walking around shirtless (unless it’s at the beach or something).

Overall it’s been a lot tougher approaching women. Although I have gotten more aware of their body language and I’ve gotten better at my game it’s insanely tough now. I have very little wiggle room to make any mistakes. If i say or do anything even remotely considered “creepy” it’s game over. It doesn’t matter if it was unintentional or not. Nor does it matter if the girl even knows it was unintentional. I’m being held to a much higher standard.

But I am curious what women honestly have to say about this. I was surprised that some prefer B. I sure as hell don’t.
Attractive with the downsides
Unattractive with the downsides
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
1 y
These poll results are what I expected so far. 2 woman voted B.

I do believe that young and attractive women have to deal with real bullshit because of their looks. It can be annoying at best and scary/threatening at worst. But what they don’t realize is their problem will slowly morph into a different over time (when they put on weight and gain wrinkles). Maybe they will be lucky to have a good husband at that point. But if not it’s won’t get any easier to find a suitable mate.
Would you rather be a very attractive person who deals with stalkers/aggressive people or be unattractive and gets rejection / no attention?
Post Opinion