How do we manage to stay single?

I haven't been in a relationship for nearly 4 years now. This number is terrifying. I did go on dates but none of them worked out. Either my expectations were too high, or theirs.
What amazes me is that we manage to stay single and face loneliness even though there are so many single people around us. How come it's so difficult to find the one who matches you? I'm sure there are lots of guys around the world who'd love to date me, and I'd love to date them but we don't have the chance to come across. After this thought, next one is, why isn't there a platform to help us out... and the answer is "there is"... and it's called a dating app. The idea is so great, but who takes it seriously anymore? Why can't I write down "Hi, I'm X, I'm looking for this and that kind of guy, let's try and see if we can work it out"?
This is rather a rhetorical question. I imagine what most of you will write under this post, but I just had to get it out of my chest. I wish it was easier to meet people instead of wandering around, hungry for love.
How do we manage to stay single?
How do we manage to stay single?
18 Opinion