How to maintain confidence when you're aware you're not particularly good looking?


I've been called handsome many times by both women and men, people say I had many girlfriends (although I wish I had more), some friends call me a chad probably because I have a fair amount of confidence and dominance. However I have noticed that many women overlook me at parties and social settings, don't initiate, don't show interest when I approach them and I am almost never able to hook up casually, probably because I look average. Although I've had many girlfriends, being single is painful for me because I am not able to "pull" as easily as some other dudes. Therefore I am always looking for relationships to fulfill my needs and it's more difficult now because I have become more selective when it comes to serious relationships. I want to finally settle with someone.

How to maintain confidence when you're aware you're not particularly good looking?
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