Why is paris romantic?

I've seen a lot of people take pics at the arch of triumph in France. Or the eiffel tower.

I think what makes it "romantic"/seductive Is the fact that women know men built the city. They went to war and made the city rich. They established the trade routes. They built the churches. The shops. The houses.

And then they think to themselves "im on a date with one of the alphas of this city."

It has nothing to do with anything else. It's just a spotlight on men and how superior we are to women.

It takes more balls to be the guy in charge than the guy busting his ass
It takes more balls to be the guy in charge than the guy busting his ass

Vs. Going on a date with an alpha of some hick town. Like who gives a fuck lol. King of the cowboys.

Thats why where your stomping ground is is very important

You're right
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It isn't romantic
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Why is paris romantic?
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