Should I end my relationship due to my boyfriend's very controlling parents?


For context, I met my boyfriend on Hinge in June 2022, and we made things official in late August; we are also in an interracial relationship in which my boyfriend was adopted as a toddler from Romania, and I'm African.
From the onset, I didn't have issues with my boyfriend, and we had a pretty good relationship as we both had never been in a relationship, so we were new to this and found a good flow until he introduced me to his parents and brother.
I have no issues with his brother, he is 24 and has developmental disabilities, but overall he is very friendly toward me. But with his parents from the onset, his mother treated me very cold, and his dad was too.

I began noticing that even when I was invited to their home during the December 2022 holiday, his parents spent half of the time arguing and bickering and never really got to know me, even though they got me a few gifts. I noticed his parent's overall coldness and my boyfriend constantly had to reassure me that they liked me. Still, deep down inside, I knew he was working overtime in the background to try and sell the idea of the relationship to his parents.

I have noticed how controlled my boyfriend is by his parents; for example, he is forced to attend weekly church services at 9 am on Saturday or Sunday even though he told me on multiple occasions that he does not wish to attend.
Furthermore, he must ask them permission before he is allowed to travel anywhere. For this reason, he has never travelled out of the country; at 26, he also has to go behind his parent's backs to allow me to sleep over at the house he pays the mortgage on, or he has to tell his mom, as if his dad finds out he will yell at him and get incredibly angry at him and his mother.
My boyfriend even told me he left his parent's home because of his dad, and I have noticed he tells his mom everything, even things about me that I wish he doesn't share, as I do not actually speak to his mom and haven't gotten to know her.

1 y
We are both 26 for context.
Should I end my relationship due to my boyfriend's very controlling parents?
3 Opinion