Do you think girls should be more straightforward?

I was just thinking about something and this thought crossed my mind, we are taught that we should be feminine, wait for a guy to make a move and so on… So it puts you in a position that the guy chooses you instead of you choosing the guy. You then choose the guy out of the pool of men who are interested in you.

What if women were as straightforward as men? Let’s say she’s interested in someone, why can’t she go and get him?

She wants a job, she gets the job,
She wants a dress, She gets the dress,
She wants the success, She gets the success.

So why not a specific man that she happens to want?

Or should we all play that game of men chasing and women teasing till the dusk of humankind?

1 y
I figured, I am not that type haha

I am just too shy

Do you think girls should be more straightforward?
Post Opinion