“A very angry woman is a woman who feels ignored.. if you want her to not be angry give her lots of attention” Have you seen this as dating advice?


I was looking up suggestions on how to resolve conflict i wasn’t gendering the question just looking in general. Good to know women are so one dimensional that makes life very simple ig 🫠

it was all “guys if you think your bc is angry and you want to solve the problem ” guys if your girlfriend us mad it means she feels ignored. A woman will be very angry if she is ignored, so if she is angry you can be sure she feels she’s not getting attention.. so just huge her what she will be will be happy. If that doesn’t quirk you may have to examine the situation more & look for other causes.

Then there was was stuff for women, “if you feel like your guy might be upset see a therapist 😳 😂 talk it out don’t nag your boyfriend give him space but let him know you care. He may never want to talk about it do not force him.

It’s funny how these advice are all based on assuming stuff about the person and for me often when I DOZ get annoyed it’s bc someone so jumping to conclusions instead of just talking it out 🫤 It’s crazy how none of it was just TALK to the person and why are they talking about wow ken like they are dumb puppies.. I’m still kinda in shock.

There’s some weird advice sites that must have been engineered from a 1950s CEO’s butthole. Just Wonder if anyone has come across these.

Not exactly but I’ve definitely seen strange “advice” for women vs men
Majority of advice on line is each whether directed at men or women
Sone advice is messed up sone is good tho
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“A very angry woman is a woman who feels ignored.. if you want her to not be angry give her lots of attention” Have you seen this as dating advice?
24 Opinion