Not talking about the extreme where the man is broke. She just simply makes more.
- 1 y
Sexism at its finest. People have been brainwashed to believe a man has to make more money than the woman. She thinks because he doesn't, maybe he's a failure, or what will people think?, but doesn't take into account what business he's in (say a musician, starting out), or what his long-term prospects are.
If it's OK for the woman to make less, it's equally OK for a man to make less. A rational couple who love each other and plan can work out such differences in salaries.
My mother, who had a master's degree shortly after she married, made the same salary as my father, who'd only graduated high school, then junior college, much later. Was she a failure? With all that education? Or was my dad because in 1953, my mom earned a master's degree and made as much as he did?
My parents pooled their resources and worked together to achieve goals they both agreed on.
This is the only way to approach whoever has the higher or lower income, no matter who it is.
A man's worth is not solely measured by what income he makes, and if this is the only measure a woman can make of a potential mate, she has her values screwed up and should be avoided.17 Reply- 1 y
- 1 y
It's actually a fact why don't you Google it
- 1 y
@davado88 nope. I keep dabbling at it and have a few that might work. But, trying to get a book of poetry written first.
- 1 y
@SUMAIREBRAHIM What is actually a fact. That this is how women measure men? If it is, it's a sad one, and needs to change. Men don't measure women that way. If they did, a lot of women would never get a man. Raising children is not a full-time job. There is loads of down time, especially when they're in school. House wifery doesn't add up to so many hours either. Unless you have very many children, which most families don't.
- 1 y
Men too have standards but it's not as complex as women, nor do they have high expectations compared to women, men are attracted solely on beauty and money n resources generation is not important to men but looks matter significantly
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I have no idea. I know for awhile my sister made more than her husband and she didn’t leave him, and now he makes more than her. I’ve dated men that made less than me (but would prefer around the same range as me, even if it is a little less) or were unemployed when we started dating and they found something better later. My closest friends would also date men if they made less than them. So it might just be situational on the person. If the woman makes 50k a year and the guy makes 40k it isn’t a huge difference, but if he made 20k with no drive to do better that might be an issue
20 Reply
- Anonymous(45 Plus)1 y
This is not a slight against women. But most women's problem when it comes to dating is thier sky high expectations. They look at every guy they meet as "no assembly required". Yes the bones have to be there with a quality guy don't get me wrong. But some guys have a lot potential just not the focus yet. They have the drive, but not the map to success yet. This is why I smirk whenever I read a post where a woman proclaims "he needs to make at least 50k a year". Because I was lucky to make half that when I was thier age (granted wages were lower then, but not drastically. I do feel for kids trying to make it in life financially nowadays). But the point is I NEVER lacked drive. I was always going to succeed because I was never going to quit till I did.
I think too many young women today paint a false picture of the perfect guy not realizing that most things in life you can't predict or account for. It's not going to be the punch you see coming that's going to knock you off your feet most the time so to speak. But the guy to have is the guy who keeps getting back up, learning from it, adapts and overcomes.
61 Reply- Opinion Owner1 y
Women need to understand a guy's CHARACTER is paramount to his wage. Wages can be lost character won't. A guy with character will always find a way to get it done or he won't rest till he does. Because quitting is not in him.
1.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. Firstly who a "good man" is easier to be figured out when you´re a guy and vice versa. More important it´s a question of expectations she probably wants a guy that makes her feel safe. If he makes less than her she´s the breadwinner and that puts her in a situation she might not want to be in since she wants the guy to be the provider.
I get both positions and I think it´s going to be a challenge for guy´s in the future when women get paid more.
45 Reply- 1 y
Good points
- 1 y
Others will decide …. All about different perspectives
Good man for a woman is a man who excels in 1 or more of the above areas:
1. Looks (Height, face, race, bone/skeletal frame work)
2. Social Status (Popularity, job status, social circle, family status, social connections)
3. Money (Property, physical wealth, networth)
With one of these areas being primary of what she's most interested in.
What Girls & Guys Said
16.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. LOL, that's because one of her main critieria IS that he make more money than her!
16 Reply- 1 y
Women make their own money now and somehow still base a good man on what? Money lol
- 1 y
It’s always worst case scenario lol
- 1 y
True but to replace her surgeon husband with another surgeon that’s taller is always harder than it looks…. but you’re right it’s in their DNA to try
- 1 y
Women are attracted to challenge. The only ones who aren’t are the ones who are extremely inflexible and want to completely dominate a whipped man.
But also most women (including western women) at least subconsciously want to be taken care of (some consciously). So the rich and arrogant asshole obviously has top dibbs. Even if he is unattractive.Anyway as for women having subconscious entitlement. This from thousands of years of evolution. Women depended on men to protect and provide for them. It’s not like they have miraculously snapped out of DNA programming given our world has changed.
Some women consciously believe they don’t need or want men for money. They say that and talk is cheap. They might actually believe it themselves. But the subconscious is stronger then the conscious mind. It’s where attraction is determined.
10 Reply - 1 y
I’ve only turned a dude down for having too much money if we’re keeping it real. He daw it as a way to control me but I’m not materialistic so his plan backfired. I have never turned down a dude for being broke nor making less than me. Money isn't a factor unless we’re looking to get engaged or married. And by that, I’m saying I dont need to know his income unless I’m going to be moving in with him which would not happen unless engaged or married
20 Reply 2.4K opinions shared on Dating topic. The same reason men complain that most women are bad while refusing to be the kind of man that attracts good women.
A little bit of stupidity, a little bit of fatherlessness, and a whole lot of entitlement.51 Reply746 opinions shared on Dating topic. The issue is in definition, most say they want a "good man," but really can't define what they mean by that. Or if they can many guys simply don't get what they mean. So what you or I may think of as a "good man," may not necessarily fit the definition of some women.
22 Reply- 1 y
We all know what a good man is women know a good man when they get them
How else would they know which men were the toxic ones they love if they didn’t know which men were the good ones Good man for a woman is a man who excels in 1 or more of the above areas:
1. Looks (Height, face, race, bone/skeletal frame work)
2. Social Status (Popularity, job status, social circle, family status, social connections)
3. Money (Property, physical wealth, networth)
With one of these areas being primary of what she's most interested in.
- 1 y
He's not good enough. A woman can say that they would date someone who makes less money but the reality is that they would rather not. Every guy with a good income knows that you have way more options when you make more money.
40 Reply - 1 y
I've not seen that. my guess is the money is not the issue, it's how he is carrying /projecting himself. She shoots his lame ass down in 2 seconds because of whom he thinks he is.
women have different criteria than men, have to accept that.
there are a lot of men out there, some good. most men are not well trained or coached imho and women have to pick through that mess to find one worthy. need a men's revival...
stop blaming women for being women. com.
01 Replysimping HARD
1.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. they want to stretch out the definition of a "good man"
though you can thank feminism for painting a false narrative that all men are potential creeps, murderers or rapists until proven otherwise
guilty until proven innocent is the way of the western gynocentric social order
00 Reply- 1 y
Because those "good men" do not meet their other preferences.
11 Reply- 1 y
Yeah probably money or height in either order lol
- 1 y
Women don’t care about men who actually love them
women today are entirely too selfish for relationships
they just want the fantasy life in their heads
42 Reply- 1 y
Some don’t for sure
- 1 y
Of course but too many of them do
this generation of women isn’t marriage material can you imagine how frustrating that is for men who worked hard to build themselves up and become successful only to end up left with women we can’t start families with
- 1 y
The more money a man makes, the more options he has; the more money a woman makes, the less options she has. Even basic women think they are better than average earning men, many of whom would have been good partners. But because they were fucked by a blue check that one time they think they entitled to commitment from that level of man instead of the average guys who are truly at their level.
00 Reply - 1 y
Women's criteria of good is not the same as men criteria as good. When men think of good, they think of good morals and values, hard working, kind, respectful etc.
When women think of good, they think of:
1. Looks (Height, face, race, bone/skeletal frame work)
2. Social Status (Popularity, job status, social circle, family status, social connections)
3. Money (Property, physical wealth, networth)
00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)1 y
When they mean “there are no good men” or “where have all the good men gone”.
10 Reply - 1 y
I don't know I've never refused to date a guy because he made less money then me.
10 Reply 528 opinions shared on Dating topic. Well, Coach, I guess that depends on what a woman classifies as "a good man" ?
11 ReplyGood man for a woman is a man who excels in 1 or more of the above areas:
1. Looks (Height, face, race, bone/skeletal frame work)
2. Social Status (Popularity, job status, social circle, family status, social connections)
3. Money (Property, physical wealth, networth)
With one of these areas being primary of what she's most interested in.
13.5K opinions shared on Dating topic. My husband didn't even have a job when I met him. Money is not important.
21 Reply- 1 y
What's his height?
Only ever seen that happen with immature people who don't actually know what they want. The female versions of guys who complain about no good women and then choose the better-looking one instead.
00 Reply- 1 y
Women coddle enough insecurities of the men they date. They don’t need to deal with him getting a new one in the form of “she needs to make less so I can feel better.”
04 Reply- 1 y
Lol hey there are more unhappy single women today then ever before and this kind of thinking is exactly why
You’re not really suggesting that it’s a woman’s fault, are you?
- 1 y
Plenty of great guys out there with all the qualities that a woman would want in modern day society but they still pass on them because they are biologically still choosing money even if they make there own today. It’s a sad state.
I agree it’s sad but also women are not to be blamed for standards being raised after it’s no longer good enough for men to just be a decent human being like everyone else should be
7.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Their definitio of a good man is not the same as your definition of a good man.
10 Reply5.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. Because women care more about money than they do. Anything else. Preferably money they don't have to earn.
20 Reply1K opinions shared on Dating topic. good to women dont mean good as in a punk with no spine, it means good to them, thats up for debate because all women are different
11 ReplyGood man for a woman is a man who excels in 1 or more of the above areas:
1. Looks (Height, face, race, bone/skeletal frame work)
2. Social Status (Popularity, job status, social circle, family status, social connections)
3. Money (Property, physical wealth, networth)
With one of these areas being primary of what she's most interested in.
10 Reply- 1 y
It's the mentality... there's always someone better on the horizon that has more.
We live in a society where more is always better.
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)1 y
Maybe you should stop hanging around with sluts who contribute nothing to a relationship except sex & looks? Just a suggestion. 90% of your posts after all are based on the modernday whoreism of North American society & not really reality.
00 Reply - 1 y
Every single thing girl says has an asterisk* at the end. Every, single, sentence.
And then men project their speech onto women thinking women mean what they say (because of the equality fallacy).00 Reply 1.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. It's not just money. But all the good values a man has, get ignored while the ones with tocic values get noticed
10 Reply- 1 y
Most women don't do that. And the ones that do, you probably don't want to be with anyway.
14 Reply- 1 y
Most women think they will get a man making at least 6 figures
And 40k a year is broke
🤡 🌎 - 1 y
@AnusNdaPainus lol okay, then you should just leave most women alone. They're not worth your time or energy.
- 1 y
They aren’t my Pa told me when I was little women who think like that are a dime a dozen
And he who finds a wife finds a good thing that mean women who are wifey material are rare and difficult to find
You don’t find gold or diamonds in the streets you have to mine for them - 1 y
@AnusNdaPainus cool so go mine somewhere away from the streets.
- 1 y
Because it’s not PC to want what’s natural. Remember, whatever women say they want - it’s the polar opposite.
Pay attention to actions. Not words.
10 Reply - 1 y
Yes women are the own worse enemy when it comes to this but also they chase after toxic men and still complain there are no good men.
00 Reply - 1 y
A "good man" is one that has a lot of money and treats her like crap. That's all women want is a jerk with loads of cash.
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)1 y
The word you're looking for here is hypergamy. It's a reality of female human nature that is very well accepted and well studies, but yet most women deny it despite their behavior consistently proving it to be true.
02 Reply- Opinion Owner1 y
@Nikki1989 Facts are going to happen, so you may as well get used to them. Need to find a safe space?
- 1 y
Those are usually golddiggers and not someone you'd WANT to get involved with, anyway.
00 Reply 999 opinions shared on Dating topic. This wouldn be a problem if women didn't join the work force.
Why do the do this? Because women
00 Reply438 opinions shared on Dating topic. The good men are all over... can any man find a good woman? Even scripture relates to this mention... that's why she'd be worth far beyond rubies.
00 Reply- 1 y
Hypergamy... they go for top 1-10 percent and high expectations
00 Reply 3.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. There's no good men out there due to the breakdown of family. Since 1980 no dad's in the home and now it's average that women are single family
00 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)1 y
Coach it's time for you to stop asking juvenile questions.
00 Reply 4.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. Unrealistic standards in most cases.
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)1 y
you have to ask?
00 Reply
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