Should I date her again if she wants me back?

There's this one lady I dated over 2 years ago for about a month and a half. We went on 6 dates, then she decided that she didn't feel the magic with me and just wanted to be friends. Fast forward to today, we've remained friends and had a healthy friendship. She's dated a few other guys, and even had one other time she dumped one other guy for the same reason she did with me. Some other relationships she had didn't turn out well though to say the least. She has some cryptic things to me, like how I told her I'm going to Hawaii next year for my friends wedding and then she told me she wants to go with me. Not to the wedding itself, just to Hawaii. I think it'd be awkward if either of us are dating someone else at the time and she came with me. She also told me once if she was to date a friend, it'd be me. I believe she is a very honest person, and if she wanted to be with me again, she'd say so, but I'm not sure for certain. I'm not sure if I really want her back though. I respect her, sure, and I wasn't considering breaking up at the time, but I've also dated, albeit one date each, a few different women and had feelings for 2 other women since then. But unlike 3 of those women that I briefly dated, she didn't do anything to hurt me. She's proven she does care about me, and did try to help me with one of the women I had feelings for. (I learned without directly asking that one of those women was engaged, so that's not happening). Opinions and feelings can change, and for all I know, she doesn't regret breaking up with me, but I could be wrong. Some other people I talked to about it believe she made a mistake dumping me, but I never told her that. What do you think, if she does want to date me again, should I do it?
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Should I date her again if she wants me back?
3 Opinion