He’s going for New Year’s party alone because I’m sick?

I got sick few days ago, I got pneumonia. Basically my boyfriend was sick on Wednesday and I think I got it from him but I have very weak immune system and I had really high fever and I went to doctor and he gave me antibiotics. Well of course he keeps saying how horrible he feels but he doesn’t even have a fever 😂 anyway we supposed to go for New Year’s party today to his friend house, but I can’t go cuz I’m sick. He’s gonna go himself. I feel like this is not right. Like he chose his friends and party instead of me. I get it it’s new years but still, what if we get married one day, have kids, then he’s showing that friends will be more important always. I feel like he should stay with me instead of going there, even though that it’s new years. We should have priorities in life and for him looks like friends and parties are his. What do you think guys, am I exaggerating or I’m right?
He’s going for New Year’s party alone because I’m sick?
Post Opinion