How Do I Get Noticed By Women?

How Do I Get Noticed By Women?

As a lifelong single individual and a 45-year-old virgin, I've encountered repeated rejection and struggled to connect with potential partners throughout my life.

I'm genuinely interested in your perspective on what makes a person attractive or interesting. Given my unique situation, as someone who has been single for my entire life, what qualities stand out to you?

Confidence is an area I'm actively working on, and I'd love your insights. At my age, how can someone like me build confidence? How does confidence manifest itself to you?

As a soft-spoken, kind, humorous, and sincere individual, who smiles and laughs quiet a bit. What kind of approach makes you feel genuinely interested and respected? Are there specific conversation cues that capture your attention?

Considering my experiences, I'd appreciate your thoughts on body language. What kind of body language is appealing to you? Are there gestures or postures that make someone stand out positively?

Despite my efforts to expand my social circles by attending church and the gym, rejection has been a recurring theme. Which by the way, I'm 6.5, brown hair and in shape.

Online dating has been part of my journey as well. For this, It's endless scrolling, sending likes but getting absolutely nothing in return. What are your perspectives on creating an appealing online dating profile? What kind of information stands out to you? I make sure to post pictures of myself smiling and doing stuff I enjoy as well as put thought into the about me section.

I'm extending an invitation for an ongoing conversation. Your guidance and coaching could be instrumental in helping me navigate through this journey, overcome rejection, and build the confidence needed to form lasting connections. I'm open to your wisdom and look forward to the opportunity to learn and grow with your support.

Be different than everyone else and help this guy.
Be like everyone else and ignore him like this guy's life doesn't matter.
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How Do I Get Noticed By Women?
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