Did I ruin my chances with this future relationship?


I was on a Christian dating app, and I found a guy who lived close to me to hang out with in person. We both desire to be married. During the 1st date, we talked about our pasts, like dating/sexual history, family life, and the basics. We briefly talked about our faiths and encounters/revelations, but we didn't dive into that. He doesn't text super often when we are not together, so I started conversations a couple of times to get to know him more during our time apart. He wanted to see me 3 days ago, so we met and had a great time. I still don't fully understand some awkward moments, like him not feeling comfortable picking up a phone call from someone I didn't know while I was with him. I told him I can give him privacy, and he insisted it was okay, but his mood had changed drastically. Besides that, we spent 5 hours together and bonded a lot more, even though we didn't mention our faith at all during that time.

I told him I liked him while we were hanging out, and he said he liked me too. I asked if he wanted to go ahead and start a relationship with me since it was fair to consider how much we were attracted to each other during that time. He said he wanted to go on more dates before we reached that point, which I am fine with. He told me after the date that he had lots of fun, but the following day, I felt we weren't discussing the important things that should've been covered on the 1st date, like faith. I sent him a message asking him to pray about getting God's perspective about us before continuing to ensure that we are compatible. He left me on read, and I had to send a clarifying message the next day letting him know that I didn't mean harm with that last message and apologized for coming off strong. He said it was alright, he understood, but he had never heard someone praying for that. I thanked him and told him I had heard people receiving that information from God before, but I realized that people's experiences can differ. He left me on read again.

Yes it is ruined, he probably feels pressured/rushed
Yes it is ruined, he didn't like you that much to begin with
No it isn't ruined, just give him time to process and he'll see you again
No it isn't ruined, just minor miscommunication
Other (please explain)
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Did I ruin my chances with this future relationship?
3 Opinion