It's definitely a way to my heart 😂🥰

It's definitely a way to my heart 😂🥰
It is a common belief that food is a way to the heart of a man or any person. However, it is important to remember that everyone may have a different approach to food and food culture. It should also be noted that personal preferences and experiences are important, rather than making generalizations associated with gender.
For some men, food is as important as being happy with a delicious meal, as well as the experience of sharing a meal with their loved ones. Likewise, for some men, cooking or being interested in food culture is also an important element.
However, every individual is different, and it is important to respect individuals' preferences, interests, and cultural backgrounds rather than making generalizations. So while food can be the way to a person's heart, it can also carry different meanings depending on a person's preferences and experiences. Therefore, it is important to remember that each individual can determine the role of food based on their own relationship dynamics and preferences.
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“Food and food culture….”
It’s chocolate, man - it’s not that deep
Women for sure love a man that can cook. She loves watching him prepare food with skill, she falls in love more the more she eats his particular style of cooking. Signature dishes are a sure fire way to anyone's heart. It's also a treat just because someone is preparing a thing for you; this is why people will do the sandwich trade. Lasso not only trades sandwiches with his assistant coach, he softens up his boss with homemade cookies.
It has to do with the person in question.
Some people love good food. Others see it as "fuel." This can be very sad if you love food and your partner is a "meh" about it.
This could mean that a nonchalant eater will never appreciate all the trouble you go through to create something inventive and delicious.
I avoid such people!
Men love meat. Caveman rule 01, give them meat and they belong to you as long as you give them tasty meat. They will lacerate your enemies and lick wounds of your friends if you give them best meat pieces you prepared and cooked better than anyone else.
Who doesn't love food? Especially good food.
My friends never fail to show up if I'm BBQing - especially if it's ribs or tri-tip. People will cancel other plans to make it to my house for some tri-tip.
They say so. Has definitely been a way to my heart.
Kind of both honeslty. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like a good meal.
It can be, if it's important to them
Men provide food to those they care for. It's what the men used to do. To some women they understand this and like being provided for. While men put the food on the table it's the women that made it fun to eat. Some men understand that and fall for a woman that nurtures and makes food more than sustenance. For me I was a punk kid always in trouble. Like a stray dog. At work I never ate lunch. My coworker started buying more food or making more lunch and shared it with me. I followed her home one night and she can't get rid of me. She beats me with a broom and yells skidadle but I come back anyway.
Yes. For both. But what if I love to cook, it doesn't mean it's always great. I have experimented new recipes. Sometimes it's not edible at all. Hahaha. I just made Tom-Yum salad dressing today. And of course, I'd be melted if someone feeds me. Even it's just oatmeal.
All jokes aside, I love good food, but it's definitely not the way to my heart. It just enhances your standard of life when you're always able to have good food. The key to my heart is having good chemistry with me. Having similar views, interests, sense of humor, way of thinking, style of communication, goals in life, etc.
I'd say both, but I'm biased because I cook. Always have. Only time I had a problem was a double date I was cooking for when my friend told me his date was vegetarian. Two hours before the date.
Still managed to make a vegetarian lasagne in time. Thank the Lord for Quorn!
Definitely! Especially the SPECIALS. Nobody can resist The Specials. Just food is just food, but something you've been making for years and years, refining it, something you always LOVED to make. It's a piece of your soul that you put on that plate, memories, love.
tacos al pastor and margaritas... @mandyfire98 @7Phoenix7
and you do have to try them too... @IslaTheWitch
I have noticed that women take an annoyingly long time to order food at my local cafe counter oblivious of the queue forming behind as they ask questions about various dishes and um and eh before agonizingly making a slow decision and changing their minds at least twice.
So I do believe taste of food is of upmost important to women. I am far from convinced the food will generate love for the man who pays for it.
I would say safety is a way to a womans heart if there is one, if she can feel safe and secure, loved and taken care off by a man I think that will make a lot of girls feel right at home.
The saying is usually "A way to a guy's heart is his stomach." But I think the saying would work for women too if she loves good food.
Sure. But I can only cook egg dishes. Scrambled, fried, boiled, omelette... I can bake cakes too. Just don't ask me to prep anything without eggs.
It is to mine. And probably a panty dropper if they cook nice things for me
uh it's definitely mine! lol and my husband feels the same
All I need is a compliment here & there. Something like "oh wow you don't look as bad today" or "yoooooo besides the bloat, u look good!" can boost my mood up instantaneously.
As long I don't have to do the cooking, Feed me Seymore
If I were dating you, I'd order two separate pizza for both of us. And we'll be the happiest couple. 😄😁
I would say both, I know from my side that when I make something tasty I tend to get some praise from the girls that are at my table.
Two things to get and keep a man:
It’s common for first dates to be or involve a nice meal and it’s also common for men to pay for it, so you do the math 🤣
i think not. after fight food doesn't help. before fight man pays for food?
I think both I think if the guy or girl can cook some good hearty food you can get to her or his heart. The saying is to the heart is through the stomach. I also think woman think it sexy if a guy can cook.
I am a very good cook so that's a strong possibility lol (:
Heck yea, If a guy makes me good food I am gonna wanna stick around.
I mean shit, if it is imma rent out a whole ass restaurant 🤣
Men love the food I cook them, so I think so
It probably depends on the person but those dishes look mighty good!
Not when I'm angry.
It almost always works on the guys.
Definitely both. I don't know if I've ever met someone who didn't like a good cook!
Two types of food can be a way to a man's heart too.
I barely eat, so it won't work for me.
I would be so fat if I married a baker.
A way into my heart? Maybe. But it's at least a way into my pants!
We could take it from there. 😀
It's not the way to my heart. I like food, but you also have to be a good person. I cannot be bought off that easily.
It's not the specifically the food that would be unhealthy. It's the actual courting. He takes her out somewhere that's what it is
I’m going to say both because everyone has their favorite dishes 👍🙂
The way to a man's heart is a woman who knows how to cook and shows she cares by cooking for him. It's my dream to find a woman like that, but they are few and far between now.
Food alone? no. But I appreciate having a meal made for me or someone picking me up a snack. I also have a thing for watermelon and if you or anyone gets me some then ill consider you closely
It’s certainly one way to anyone’s heart. lol
But is it THE way? I don’t think so.
No, I need to look into the depths of who you are to be drawn in.
Not necessarily lol…. I don’t go anywhere expecting to be fed by anybody
I love food. Especially my favorites. They are so delicious its addictive :D
No. Rich people have the best foods and chefs available and they get divorced and go through break ups just like everyone else.
Men fall in love through their eyes, while women fall in love through their ears.
100%, I'm all about food
It's the way to everyone's heart.
Men. My wife made me a little chocolate cake
Whoever said that the way to man's heart is through his stomach was aiming about a foot and a half too high.
I believe that my wife tastes better than anything I have eaten before she came into my life
It's certainly a good way to start!
Yep it's totally a way to my heart.
Not necessarily but with being a cook you have to be able to not be a slob
god no money is the way to a woman's heart every man knows this!
it's a good start
That depends on the woman
Yes that and sex
Well I’m a foodie.. my man is a foodie.. So🤭