2 mo

Am I justified for feeling this way?


Something has felt off and I know I shouldn't have but I looked at boyfriend's phone during a rare moment that it was unlocked. I saw explicit texts between him and a gay guy friend of his that made it clear that they had something sexual happen between them. My boyfriend claims that he's straight and that it was just an experiment, meant nothing, and that he didn't enjoy it. Ok, then why did boyfriend text that he loved the feeling of the guy finishing in his backside? From the texts it was obvious that my boyfriend was the one who had initiated the conversation. boyfriend tried to say that it wasn't what I think and that what happened between them happened before me. He's still friends with the guy and keeps in contact even though I've told him that it makes me feel uncomfortable. I asked him if he would like it if I was contacting an ex lover to reminisce on old sexual encounters and hanging out with him. Of course he said he wouldn't be ok with it. So why does he expect me to be ok with it? I'm having a hard time trusting him anymore. I know the obvious answer is to break up with him but right now I can't afford to live on my own with kids.

Am I justified for feeling this way?
5 Opinion