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8 mo

Do you consider this woman to be overweight?

Maybe. Looks fine to me, she could be overweight but still not that big of a deal in my opinion. Health & Fitness

8 mo

What do women really want?

A man who would love me if I was a worm. Girl's Behavior

8 mo

How to know if a guy likes you?

If you don't know if he likes you, then he doesn't like you. Men are simple. If he likes you, then you will know for sure. If you're confused, that means he doesn't. Guy's Behavior

8 mo

Do you think my standards for a long term relationship are reasonable or too high in your opinion?

The only thing I find unreasonable here is the point about "small things". You don't get to decide what's a big deal to her and what's not. If I can nitpick I'd say that I'd personally hate to be... Relationships

8 mo

Do you have physical criteria/preferences for a dating partner and did you deliberately choose whatever your preferences are?

I don't have many strong preferences. I don't think of bodies in a "I like this body type more than that" but I more so think along the lines of "I like abc about this body type, I like xyz about... Dating

8 mo

If someone replies to your texts really fast is that a turn off for you?

I respond immediately unless I'm busy or sleeping. Never saw the big deal in it and if someone gets turned off by it then that's not my problem. It's just more convenient for me to reply instantly... Dating

8 mo

Why sh*t test someone? What’s the point?

I don't believe in full operational "shit tests", but I do believe in things like observing someone's behavior, ask them questions etc to discern people. I believe people show their red flags... Break Up & Divorce

8 mo

Ladies, does a man's self-proclaimed 'Incel' identity send your interest running in the opposite direction?

I mean, if I don't learn to back off already they eventually show me why other girls aren't interested in them. It's absolutely a turn-off. Dating

8 mo

Why is pedophilia such a big thing with men?

They like the innocence and vulnerability which makes them an easy target to violate and exploit and take advantage of. They like the power they have when violating children. Also I find that... Other

9 mo

Do you think thick eyebrows are hot?

I love thick eyebrows but also I find that it kinda depends on the person and the rest of their facial features. I have thick eyebrows and I don't ever remove any eyebrow hairs myself, but when I... Other

9 mo

Girls, What’s something you wish more men knew how to do better?

1. Communicate. Not saying spill everything out when you're not ready for it, but a lot of men need to work on their communication skills. 2. Boundaries. It's sad how many men still don't... Dating

9 mo

Ladies, what is your most masculine trait? And men what’s your most feminine trait?

A lot of people actually told me that I'm kinda tomboyish back in my teenage years! But here are some of my "masculine" traits: I enjoy watching sports. I am a logical thinker and look for... Other

9 mo

What do you think about girls with short buzzcut hair?

I don't think about them. The woman in the photos looks really hot though. Girl's Behavior

9 mo

Girls, have you ever made the first move?

Yes and he's my boyfriend now 😁 Girl's Behavior

9 mo

Would you be friends with someone, who doesn't consider you attractive?

I'd understand not being someone's type, but being considered straight-up ugly or bad-looking, why would you even feel that way about a friend? It automatically tells me that the person doesn't... Fashion & Beauty

9 mo

Can you fix a "red flag"?

Maybe, but you have to keep in mind that it is not your responsibility and the change won't come unless the person themselves want to change and actively work on it. Relationships

9 mo

How would you react if your partner falsely accuses you of cheating/infidelity?

If they make the claim then the burden of proof is on them. I'll simply let him know that. Relationships

9 mo

Why are men dating old-fashioned, traditional women if they don't plan on respecting her wishes?

A lot of men think they can handle it and later find out that they don't. And a lot simply expect that you will change your mind for them. Either way, if it's not working out, it's not worth your... Relationships

9 mo

Would it be weird to go out with a woman who's taller than me?

Shouldn't be a big deal if you're both attracted to each other and secure about yourselves and each other. Dating

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