Are you a grammar nazi?

Are you a grammar nazi?

I'm bilingual so I actually have two mother tongues. I'm a bit if a grammar nazi, but I almost never correct people who is clearly not speaking their own native language. at least not in small things like grammar nazis do.

English isn't my native language and I do not speak it well. I see people correcting me here on GaG too. Kind of good to learn but on the other hand it is really annoying since I am doing my best. Of course some basic stuff I'll also want to correct (like your and you're, because that's just annoying).

Are you a grammar nazi? How bad of a kind?
Sieg Grammar! I'm the worst kind!
I'm the kind of grammar nazi that corrects only clearly wrong grammar.
No, I never correct grammar. Couldn't care less.
No, I'm the one being corrected.
It depends...
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Are you a grammar nazi?
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