Would it make you work harder if you see your coworkers are surpassing you in sales?


In HS/college, I couldnt stand competition so i broke my fckin neck tryna maintain a top spot. But schools long over and i’m in this shitty sales position. Not my cup of tea at all but its a check until i drop it in a month or so. They have us doing this stupid competition where they total our sales for last Mon through this upcoming Friday. I’ve dropped from being in top 3 last week to top 12 this week. There's like 50 of us and only top 7 will get “prizes”. The #1 person has 80 fckin sales yo. #2 has 70. I think its partially because they work weekends. Lmao fck that. #3 and #4 have 50+. #5 and #6 have 40+. #7-11 have 30+. #12-30 have 20+. #31-50 have 5+ sales. Lmao this shit is not motivating 😂 Everyday they publicly post stats to show who’s in what place. I tried to go in this morning focused and made 2 sales so far. But now that he just posted these stats, its almost like why try. I can't stand this job 😂 Wtf kinda lies are they telling folks to get 80 sales. But they also worked here for years. Me and one dude on my team are new and he’s still in top 10 so thats good. And the prizes are gift cards. Nah. My last job at least gave flat screens, stereo systems, game consoles, etc lol

#FeelFreeToList #WorkHardPlayHard

1 y
Man my sup is so fckin annoyin. He’s steady reposting this in the chat. No one wants to see this shit man. I’m tellin y'all, he’s sitting back relaxing cause he's getting the commission from these sales. That Dirty ole bird beak bastard
1 y
I didn't improve much today lol. I just slick dont care. I spoke with 33 clients and got 4 sales. My friend spoke with 147 clients and got 10 sales. Lmao she’ll surely surpass me tomorrow but look at those numbers? She only got 10 sales out of 147. It ain't even worth tryin lmao. She still didn't meat the dsily goal of 12 sales lmao. And im no where near close to the daily goal of 75 clients. Most i ever got in a day was 63 clients and 9 sales 😂 fck em
Would it make you work harder if you see your coworkers are surpassing you in sales?
30 Opinion