How do you handle people who twist situations to try and make you look bad?


Working on a project with someone who has built a reputation for themself by basically having a panic attack, scaring the hell out of everyone and yelling at them until the job just barely, technically gets done. But because of all the chaos they caused It makes them look like they overcame so much.

At my company we have a strict "we don't worry, we don't panic" atmosphere and I think it pissis him off how much higher quality of a service we are.

I've tried sharing wins with him that we're jeprodized because of his attitude. He's tried throwing me and my guys under the bus a couple times. But he crossed the line a little while ago so now I've been allowing some of his actions to become more visible. Which is my favorite part cuz... I could write a whole mytake about how to deal with people like this lol

Anyway I'm curious how you guys work with assholes like this. I've encountered them even working minimum wage jobs.

How do you handle people who twist situations to try and make you look bad?
3 Opinion