What kind of skilled trades don't need much formal education and isn't very physically demanding?

I studied social sciences from 2016-2019 during university, but then dropped out cause of government cuts to student loans/grants. I transferred over to [community] college in 2021 and just graduated last year in 2023 (officially in August, but convocation was November). I studied computer programming because I was always interested and good with tech, and I figured learning to code would benefit me. Obviously going to university was a huge mistake as I acquired roughly 25K in student loans whereas in college I somehow got grants and no loans.

But then the kung flu virus thing "ended" (not offensive to me when I'm Far Eastern) and many tech companies decide to not hire any entry level programmers/engineers now. It's only getting worse as more people in tech get laid off, as well as the job market being in the favour of employers, unlike before during the Great Resignation. I've considered getting into skilled trades but I was skeptical although now I'm a bit desperate. I do have my own self employment venture in automation as insurance though, but it'll still take time before I can get funding.

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What kind of skilled trades don't need much formal education and isn't very physically demanding?
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