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myTakes: Education & Career

The dilemma of not knowing where life will take you

I've known that I'll apply to Swiss universities for almost a year now. My almost-boyfriend is from Switzerland , but this has nothing to do with my plan to do my Master's degree or PhD there. Switzerland is one big...

How to excel at school (Part 2: Academically)

I am a senior, 18 and have always had good grades. I have been told by multiple teachers that I am too critical of myself, which is the reason why I am sharing some of my epiphanies throughout the years with you. This...

How to excel at school (Part 1: Socially)

How to excel at school (Part 2: Academically) I am an 18-year-old (female) senior who has been to four schools in total. Where I live, two or three schools are common. Also, we typically have all our classes together,...

Schooling System In England Explained

I feel like I have to explain what "college" in England is all the time on here, because so many of you are from other parts of the world- mainly America and I'm sick of writing the same explanation over and over again-...

My First Presentation At College!

The college day just ended for me, today- and I really liked it today. Usually, presentations aren't my "thing" and at secondary school presenting a presentation for me was like Spider-Man in Infinity War... "I don't...

My Confession: I'm jealous of a coworker

2 years ago, I was relocated to work in the team of 14 people, where there was only one girl and rest were guys. I knew this girl joined this team only few months before I did, she was in another team before that. I...

Welcome To Charm School

Welcome to Charm School Don't Be Shy Many guys and girls from GAG say they are shy around the opposite sex. The vast majority of shy people I've met wish they could be more outgoing and confident about themselves. I...

Not being ready to grow up

First I want to mention that i have no freakin idea how i'm supposed to write this so um here we go i guess... I'm just so scared of growing up, and having all those responsibilities, and the pressure of making something...

Common English Grammar Mistakes

Here's a list of common grammar mistakes that many people make in English. Often people interchange these words with each other, not understanding the definition of each word and the differences. Here's a quick and simple...

Why paying interns is a bad idea

So I came back to GAG because of AOC... Background: I worked at law firms for five years and I've been involved in hiring decisions. Fact of the matter is, most entry level jobs are admin work or delivery related. There...

What to Bring/Not to Bring to College

Hello Everyone! I wanted dedicate this list to future college freshman who might be a little confused on what to bring/ not to bring to college. This is list from my perspective when I was a freshman in college. I wanted...

Top College Vlogs to Check Out Before the School Year Start

Hello everyone I know its a bit early for this but I just want to get it out the way since Im preparing for my senior year of college soon. Here are the top vlogs I promised you. Enjoy 1. Ana Mascara Ana Mascara AKA...

8 Myths About Working From Home

A lot of people have a dream to be able to work from home, but not many actually understand that working from home does not just mean a free pass to do anything you want when you want or that you will be able to manage...

How College Affected My Insecurity When It Came To My Looks

This mytake will discuss how college affected my beauty standards within myself. I'm not trying to say that I do not care about my looks however when students at a college level start ridiculing you about your looks that...

Finally School Is Over!

So, finally, four whole weeks of exams, 19 exams, over and done with! I finally left school and for the past two days of summer I have been doing... Nothing. Because I finally can because I have no homework for once! But...

My Experience and Advice For Home Schooling!

Hello my lovelies! I hope that everyone had a blessed day! If you read the title, you already know that this myTake is about my overall experience with home schooling. There are many generalizations about home schooling...

Patriarchal Society: Chaucer was a genius!

Geoffrey Chaucer was an English poet and writer, considered the greatest poet of the middle ages, he is most famous for the Canterbury Tales and considered to be 'Father of English Literature'. He was actually the first...

Why a 4 Year College Degree Isn’t Right for Everyone, and Why That’s a Good Thing!!

If your child’s high school career did not result in them wanting more sitting in a classroom and learning from books, it’s often doubtful that college will change that They will also be uncomfortable sitting behind a...

What It's REALLY Like Being A Camp Counselor

Being a camp counselor is nothing like it seems from the outside, so this is an inside scoop on what it's REALLY like to be a camp counselor. It is NOT a summer “vacation” As much as people reference summer camp as a type...

Advantages and Disadvantages of going to a Small College

1. Smaller class room sizes Smaller class room sizes gives you a chance to know your professor better and connect with other students in the class with out being distracted. 2. Short distance walk My experience of going...