Were you part of the girls that went crazy over N’Sync and BSB?

Were you part of the girls that went crazy over N’Sync and BSB?

Or some other boy band? Lol

I was part of that crowd. It makes me laugh to think back on it how we would SCREAM! When we would see the numbers on The Box music channel that matches any of their songs 😂

man’s I would take their posters to school where all the girls wanted to tear them from me

my room was full of all their posters EVERYWHERE!
man’s I would beg my mom to take us to the store to buy the cd’s 💿 when they first came out because I’ll be the o it one without it!! Lol

😂 pathetic teen so cringe! That was me!
then listening to the cd 💿 on repeat on my brand new boombox! On the loudest max volume and turned facing toward the street so EVERYONE would hear my awesome music haha 😂

any of you like this or similar or worse or less crazy but still in that direction?

Were you part of the girls that went crazy over N’Sync and BSB?

just curious

I was part of the crazy crowd lol
I was younger and witnessed some of the crazy crowd but I wasn’t part of it
I was older but witnessed some of the crazy people like you
I was crazy about them but not as much as you lol
I was crazy about them but less than you
I’m a guy and was crazy about them too
I’m a guy and witnessed many of those crazies
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4 mo
WERE*! Not we’re, why does autocorrect always do that, so annoying
4 mo
Autocorrect put man’s too ugh 😑🫤
Why autocorrect whyyyyy lol stupid thing
Were you part of the girls that went crazy over N’Sync and BSB?
17 Opinion